Occasionally, I will share songs that I have touched my heart. I have had this song on loop this week. The powerful message is that God is great and nothing can separate us from God’s love. Hope you are blessed! Don’t forget to sign up for Monday Morning Coffee with Hona. It’s free! Click here.
Scripture: “One of the disciples—it was Andrew, brother to Simon Peter—said, “There’s a little boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish. But that’s a drop in the bucket for a crowd like this.” Then Jesus took the bread and, having given thanks, gave it to those who were seated….When the people had
I was so excited to see Monday Morning Coffee with Hona in the Ozarks Christian News paper. Here are some pictures! Make sure to subscribe by clicking this link. Click here to read Passionate Patience.
Scripture: “God isn’t late with his promise as some measure lateness. He is restraining himself on account of you, holding back the End because he doesn’t want anyone lost. He’s giving everyone space and time to change.” 2 Peter 3:9 (MSG) Perspective: We have all waited on someone who is late. They are late to
Scripture: “Joshua did what Moses ordered in order to fight Amalek. And Moses, Aaron, and Hur went to the top of the hill. It turned out that whenever Moses raised his hands, Israel was winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, Amalek was winning. But Moses’ hands got tired. So they got a stone and