Note: NEW SERIES. This is part of a 3-week series.  Check back next Monday for week 2!


“The king asked, “Is there anyone left from the family of Saul to whom I can show some godly kindness?” Ziba told the king, “Yes, there is Jonathan’s son, lame in both feet.” 2 Samuel 9:3

When you attend a banquet, the host rolls out the red carpet for you.  People serve you food, and the decorations are elaborate.  If the banquet is to raise money to support a cause, the more welcome you feel is usually connected to your willingness to give.  When the host is planning the event, they might start with the question: How can we make our guests feel welcome and appreciated? Hospitality is key.

King David was wanting to show kindness to the family of Saul, his former enemy.  The past tension did not prevent David from showing hospitality.  Hospitality usually starts with a question.  To whom can I show kindness?  It isn’t out of obligation or necessity.  If David had never asked that question, he would have just carried on with life as normal.  However, a heart of hospitality goes above that which is required.  It is an opportunity for meaningful conversation and to honor people.  Hospitality opens its arms to strangers, people in need, and people without hope.  It reaches out to people who might turn into a liability or a burden and doesn’t require a favor in return.  A person who is hospitable simply makes time for people.  What can you do to grow a heart of hospitality?  Perhaps you could invite people into your home who need encouragement and share dinner, laughter, and hope with them.  There is a link between kindness and people responding to the love of Jesus.  Start showing people hospitality, and you might be the link between them and Jesus.
