Photo Credit: Sergey Ivanov via Creative Commons

[dropcaps style= ‘square’]I[/dropcaps] sat on my patio, taking a needed break to soak in a little sunshine. As I looked around at the grass, it was so lush and thick from all of the rain. You don’t need to use a sprinkler system with the rain we have been experiencing. Yet, the sun was shining, which is another key component for growth. The day finally came to a close, and the sun dipped its head behind the horizon until tomorrow. 3 AM rolled around with all of its fury – thunder, lightening, and rain…lots of rain. As it poured and I listened to it crash onto the roof, the rain didn’t seem wonderful. Wonderful was actually the last word I had in mind. Yet, when I awoke in the morning, the grass was bright green and standing tall. The rain was working its purpose to water the earth. The violence of the storm was yielding something beautiful.

If Only

Our lives are full of twists and turns. We can wake up and experience unexpected challenges and blessings all in one day. When challenges come, there is a temptation to move. While we might not change our physical address, we want to change other addresses in our lives. We can start having “if only” thinking when challenges come our way.


If only I lived somewhere else…

If only I worked somewhere different…

If only I attended a different church…

If only I had more resources…

If only I had a spouse…

If only I had less responsibility…

This way of thinking can create a deep rooted discontentment in our hearts. Instead of walking through a storm, we want to remove the storm. However, as rainstorms water the earth and bring new life, storms in your life can produce new life when surrendered into God’s hands. How do we weather the storms? Jeremiah 17: 7-8 (ESV) says, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lordwhose trust is the LordHe is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” 


Tall trees have deep root systems that allow them to tower high above the ground. Roots systems are not usually visible but provide life to the tree. Trees have to have water to grow. Even when their limbs sway under the pressure of a torrential downpour, the storm is capable of producing new growth. Our trust in God creates deep roots that form a stability in our hearts. We don’t have to worry about the opportunities that seem out of reach or the challenges that come our way. Trust in the Lord removes the fear associated with life’s uncertainties. 

Start Watering

As we trust the Lord with our entire lives, we are essentially getting our watering can out of hiding, filling it up, and pouring it on our plot of grass. It doesn’t require us to change our circumstances to change our perspective. Trusting God will turn our eyes away from the “if only” and draw our attention to what God is doing. Instead of uprooting ourselves at every turn, there are times we need to go find a watering can and starting watering where we are planted. Thank Him for the water. Thank Him for the watering can. Thank Him for the grass that is growing. 

Where and what you water will grow.

As you water your friendships, they will grow. As you water your church community, it will grow. As you water your life, it will grow. As you water the lot God has entrusted to your care, you will be amazed at the new life that springs up. Where and what you water will grow. And yes, sometimes rain comes unexpectedly, and it pours. Yet, those torrential downpours have the potential to yield something beautiful in your life as well. 


Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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About Hona Amer

I help people live life to the fullest. Check out my book, Smart Work U. Follow me on TwitterFacebook, or Instagram. In order to receive updates, subscribe below.

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