The Israelites left Egypt only to forget the slavery they had experienced. When they were walking through the desert, all they saw were the things they were lacking and the things they left behind. God sent them manna to sustain them on their journey to the Promised Land. They experienced a miracle everyday when food arrived on the ground. Even in the midst of experiencing God’s provision, the wailing commenced. The journey from Egypt to the Promised land would have taken days. However, in Numbers 13, the spies were sent to scope out the land, and the fear of the people consumed them. Interestingly, in this moment in Numbers 11, the dissatisfaction with their current reality and a grumbling spirit were predecessors to entry into the Promised Land. Their attitude jaded their current perspective and influenced their faith. If they couldn’t believe God to provide meat for them, then they wouldn’t be able to believe God to provide victory for them later. The stakes would be greater when they faced giants, and their missed opportunity today foreshadowed their lack of faith tomorrow. The Israelites were looking back at a season with far more glamour than that season actually afforded…