When Elijah saw Elisha, he make a significant statement by putting his cloak on Elisha. Previously in 1 Kings 19, Elijah had encountered the Lord after a season of discouragement, and the Lord gave him specific instructions to go anoint Elisha as his successor. Yet, Elisha did not know. He woke up that day and went to work as he had for so many days before. In the ordinary moment of plowing the field, God saw Elisha’s faithfulness in the field, and his faithfulness would continue to translate into fruitfulness long after Elijah was gone. From the outside, it seemed that Elisha was simply saying yes to a good opportunity. Yet, it was more than a good opportunity; it was a God opportunity. When Elijah came to Elisha, he could have said no. He could have told him why Elijah should go find someone else for the job…