The Ripple Effect

Scripture: “God told Abram: ‘Leave your country, your family, and your father’s home for a land that I will show you.  I’ll make you a great nation and bless you.  I’ll make you famous; you’ll be a blessing. I’ll bless those who bless you; those who curse you I’ll curse. All the families of the

A House of Weeds

Scripture: “One day I walked by the field of an old lazybones, and then passed the vineyard of a lout; They were overgrown with weeds, thick with thistles, all the fences broken down.  I took a long look and pondered what I saw; the fields preached me a sermon and I listened: ‘A nap here,

Help Is On the Way

Scripture: “So the Twelve called a meeting of the disciples. They said, “It wouldn’t be right for us to abandon our responsibilities for preaching and teaching the Word of God to help with the care of the poor. So, friends, choose seven men from among you whom everyone trusts, men full of the Holy Spirit

Last Man Standing

Scripture: “Then Jesus addressed the mob: ‘What is this—coming out after me with swords and clubs as if I were a dangerous criminal? Day after day I have been sitting in the Temple teaching, and you never so much as lifted a hand against me. You’ve done it this way to confirm and fulfill the