
“Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out.” Romans 12:2


When you go to the beach, it’s always so tempting to write in the sand.  You can spell out anything, as if a huge chalkboard exists in front of you.  You are drawing lines in the sand for fun, to express your love to someone, or to create a picture.  As the tide rolls in and out, yesterday’s lines are erased, and you start all over.

When it comes to God, where is the line in the sand between secular and sacred? Pastor Rick Warren wrote, “The word secular isn’t in the Bible. It all matters to God; everything in your life is important to God. God is as interested in your work as He is in your prayers.”  If it all matters to God, then the line between secular and sacred has been washed away by a wave of truth. More importantly, the secular becomes sacred when we allow God to be an active part of our everyday life.  Going to church is no longer the only activity that is sacred.  With Christ living in you, the things that were formerly secular are now defined as sacred.   Going to the grocery store? Sacred. Picking your kids up from school? Sacred.  Hanging out with friends? Sacred.  Going to work at the manufacturing plant? Sacred.  God invites us to diminish the lines of secular and sacred by allowing His presence in our lives to penetrate every part of the world.

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