Out of Control and Loving it by Lisa Bevere is an insightful look into Lisa’s personal control struggle.  By understanding God’s design for life, she shares with the readers ways to let go and let God.  Through the exploration of Scripture, she challenges women to not be held captive by their past, but embrace the present and future.  At the end of the book, Ezekiel 47 is the focus, as the metaphor of the river of God is applied to our lives.  We have to fully jump into God, and allow Him to guide, direct, and move our lives.  Many times, we hold onto life because we think we know best.  However, when we release ourselves to God, He is able to bring the best into our lives.

These are a couple of great quotes I took from the book.

“The areas we hold back from God eventually become our downfall.”

“The river of God will take us places we’ve never been in a manner we’re unaccustomed to.”

I would recommend this book.  Lisa Bevere’s passion for the God, women, and the church is evident.  Enjoy!