
Reflections on 2012: Wow!  I can hardly believe that 2012 has come to an end.  This year has been full of challenges, joy, provision, and relying on the Lord. Each year tends to have a slightly different theme, composed of many lessons learned throughout the year.

As I look to 2013, I am so excited for the New Year. I love the first day of a new week, the first day of a new month, and a whole new year. There is just something about a new year that allows us to turn the page and start a new chapter in our story. Have you ever been there?

This year, I have been reminded that God works all things together for good when we walk with Him.

We might not understand it all today, but we keep trusting God to bring us through. I hope that the lessons below encourage you and stir fresh faith in your heart to step out and do life differently.

May you be blessed as you read them and inspired to intentionally see God in your life in 2013!

1. Each day is a blank sheet of paper. Don’t carry the ink from yesterday’s troubles to today.

2. Decide to decide. It is better to make a decision then wander aimlessly.

3. Be a playmaker for your own life instead of trying to referee everyone else.

4.Look for moments to celebrate other’s successes.

5. Do something. This year, I can’t wait for someday.

6.Never use your platform to discredit other people…only to encourage.

7. Don’t let other peoples’ agenda define your destiny.

8.Give your day to God. He can do so much more with it than we can.

9. Love the people. Everything else dissolves.

10.With opportunity comes great responsibility.

11.It is vital to honor a day of rest by actually resting. God’s design works.

12.If you ever are going to write, write from the heart.

13. Give your best time to things/people that are most important.

14.When you have doubts about the future, you have to hold onto faith.

15. You need adventures to keep novelty alive in your heart.

16. Even when we bury hopes and dreams, God can still breathe life into them.

17.Sometimes we just need the quiet moments to let go and let God.

18.Let the past propel you forward not pull you backward.

19. “No one really decides to be courageous; they just decide they’re not going to be afraid of trying anymore.” – Bob Goff from Love Does

20.Nothing great was ever accomplished by sitting on the sidelines in life. Get in the game.

21.If I wait for perfection, I find that I lose sense of direction. If I move forward, my sense of direction overcomes my need for perfection.

22.Find your voice. Find what makes you – you. Then, be that person fully. The world is waiting…

23.”For all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: ‘It might have been’.” -John Greenleaf Whittier

24.Far too often, the realities of today limit us from dreaming big dreams for tomorrow. Allow yourself to dream bigger.

25. You can’t do everything today, but you can do something. Focus on the “something.”

26. Treasure the quiet moments…the moments where busyness dissipates and you can hear God speak…

27.Every person you meet has a story. Take time to listen.

28.When you know it is a miracle to be alive, you live life as if everything is a bonus instead of expected.

29.”Where you are at now might not be the destination, but the transportation to your destination.” – T.D. Jakes

30.Commit to climb the mountain in front of you today. Obstacles only become excuses if you let them.

31. Let the challenges you face make you stronger & better not smaller & bitter. Keep trusting God.

32.When life doesn’t go as planned, trust God and keep planning. Our Plan A, B, and C are sometimes God’s way of redirecting us.

33.Don’t let go of hope in the Lord. It is the wind in our sails in the cold winter, the fruitful spring, and the barren summers.

34.God is up to something even when you can’t see it.

35.Hold on to things loosely. It’s easier for God to give into an open hand.

36.Ask God to give you faith to conquer your fears and don’t let the fear of failure hold you back.

37.Make time to tell the people you love that you love them. We are not guaranteed tomorrow.

38.If we let them, the hard lessons are the best lessons because they change us for the better.

39.Never underestimate your influence. Even when you are least expecting it, people are still watching your life.

40.If your core value is to make people feel like a million dollars, questionable decisions will be easy to make.

41.Time management has a strong correlation with life management. If one is out of control, the other is close behind.

42.Surround yourself with people that will encourage you. Sometimes it is easy to overlook the value of encouragement.

43.Celebrate other people’s highlight moments.

44.Make sure to count the victories God has given to you so that you can proclaim God’s goodness for generations to come. (Write them down)

45.God’s timing isn’t something that we can always understand. We just have to accept and trust that He sees the big picture and is orchestrating our lives.

46.The next time God knocks on your door with a surprise, don’t close the door on it just because it wasn’t packaged how you thought it would be. It has the potential to change the rest of your life for the better.

47.Instead of wanting a microwave life, we have to learn that life is a lot more like a gourmet meal that takes time to prepare. God takes special care to make sure that you and I are prepared for each stage of the journey.

48.The true test of character is what you do when no one is standing over your shoulder, when no teacher is telling you to pay attention, when no person is forcing you to be disciplined. Character is developed when you consistently make the right decision whether people are watching or not.

49.Enjoy the victories and the challenges. Don’t get overwhelmed by stress. God is still in control.

50.Each and every day, we have the power to start new. Many days throughout the year won’t go as planned. But, if we can focus on following God instead of getting our own way, we can walk in peace that God is working all things together for good.

Here are the links to the lessons I learned in 2009, 2010, 2011. Some themes are similar and others are completely different. As I grow and learn, I hope you are encouraged and inspired.

To Live is to Learn: 2011

May 2013 hold more opportunities, favor, and blessing as you continue to walk with God!