Photo by Nasrul Ekram via Flickr
[dropcaps style=’square’]E[/dropcaps]mails. Decisions. Projects. Deadlines. I just needed to click “send” on the email, but I wasn’t feeling very brave. It seemed small, almost inconsequential, but I was debating. Sometimes we reserve bravery for the big steps. If we are going to make a significant life decision, we need to be brave. Yet, we also need to practice being brave before we have to face the climactic moments in our lives.
If you wait to feel brave, you might be waiting your whole life. Feelings can be misleading, so we wait. We wait to finally feel ready, courageous, and strong. It can be easy to think that waiting until we are ready is the answer. Yet, there will be many opportunities that come into your life for which you do not feel “ready.” Preparation is very important, but adequately preparing doesn’t necessarily mean that you will feel ready. At that point, we have to dare to be brave, even if our feelings don’t align.
When we practice being brave in small things in our lives, we build momentum. Maybe you, like me, need to press “send” on something in your life. Instead of accumulating drafts, it’s time to begin putting action to your dreams. Even if it is something small, you build momentum when you are brave.
If you need to be brave today, stop waiting for the feeling. Just be brave. The feelings usually don’t come until after the fact.
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About Hona Amer
I help people live life to the fullest. Check out my book, Smart Work U. Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. In order to receive updates, subscribe below.
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