I dug my hands into the dirt to fill the clay pot to the rim. After realizing that there was too much dirt, I emptied it out so I would have the perfect spot to plant my seeds. The little seeds rolled around in my hand as I dug the perfect little spots for them. The dirt covered them up like a blanket. I watered them and waited.
I kept waiting. Although I eat organic food, gardening seems like a foreign language. One thing that I have discovered is that gardening is messy. It is messy, not in a chaotic way. It is more unorganized, get your hands dirty, and forces you to pull some weeds. We want to grow the perfect cucumber or tomato, but then there are rabbits and bugs that you have to worry about.
Following your dreams can be messy too. We want our plan to launch us from point A to point B with no detours. While there are ways to minimize the learning curve, messy moments where you have to dig your hands in the dirt are unavoidable. If we wait for someone else to start doing something, we will probably be waiting for a long time. Every dream has seeds that need to be planted. You might need to do some research, make a phone call, or talk with your spouse. In the midst of planting, there can be messy moments where you are trying to work out the details.
Gardening is messy, but it grows something. Every green, juicy cucumber started with a seed.
Every dream requires you to start planting seeds. When we get involved in our dream, we start growing. What started off as a far fetched plan begins to take root in our heart.
It’s going to be messy, but don’t worry so much about washing your hands. Just start planting.
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About Hona Amer
I help people live life to the fullest. Check out my book, Smart Work U. Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. In order to receive updates, subscribe below.
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