“These are the words of Jeremiah son of Hilkiah, one of the priests from the town of Anathoth in the land of Benjamin. The Lord first gave messages to Jeremiah during the thirteenth year of the reign of Josiah son of Amon, king of Judah. The Lord’s messages continued throughout the reign of King Jehoiakim, Josiah’s son, until the eleventh year of the reign of King Zedekiah, another of Josiah’s sons. In August of that eleventh year the people of Jerusalem were taken away as captives. The Lord gave me this message:
‘I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.’
‘O Sovereign Lord,’ I said, ‘I can’t speak for you! I’m too young!’
The Lord replied, ‘Don’t say, ‘I’m too young,’ for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken’!” Jeremiah 1:1-8 (NLT)
Jeremiah had a unique call from God on his life. He was to be a prophet to Judah in a very difficult time. The people would experience judgement for their sins and deportation from their homeland. While other prophets tried to console the people and tell them what they wanted to hear, Jeremiah was faithful and obedient to tell God’s truth. The message was unpopular, and Jeremiah stood alone. Jeremiah wasn’t even sure about God’s direction from the start. Furthermore, God’s calling of Jeremiah required his whole heart and life. In Jeremiah 16:2-4a (NLT), God said, “Do not get married or have children in this place. For this is what the Lord says about the children born here in this city and about their mothers and fathers: They will die from terrible diseases…” Not only was Jeremiah unpopular with the people, he would come to know standing alone in a whole new way. He was persecuted, unpopular, and without a family. This man was speaking a word out of a place that was personally difficult. The message from Jeremiah about the plans God had to prosper the people later in his book takes on a whole new meaning in light of the weight Jeremiah carried. Even still, God called him and took care of him during a really difficult assignment.
God may have placed a difficult assignment in front of you as well. It may not be prophesying to a nation, but the calling may be more than you can handle. How did Jeremiah keep going when everyone seemed to be against him and it was difficult? He knew that God had called him to this work. The work God has called you to may not be easy. There may be seasons of trudging ahead with more criticism than support. There may be parts of your path that have to be walked alone with the Lord. Yet, when we place our confidence in God’s leading instead of our plans, we can trust God to equip us for whatever is ahead. God can give you the words, discernment, direction, and wisdom to walk in obedience to His leading. When it might be easier to go your own way, remember that God did not forsake Jeremiah throughout his life, and He won’t forsake you. Difficulty comes in all different forms, but our confidence in the God who has called us will help us walk through difficult assignments or seasons.
Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
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About Hona Amer
I help people live life to the fullest. Check out my book, Smart Work U. Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. In order to receive updates, subscribe below.
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