Stay the Course

Scripture: “This is my life work: helping people understand and respond to this Message. It came as a sheer gift to me, a real surprise, God handling all the details. When it came to presenting the Message to people who had no background in God’s way, I was the least qualified of any of the

After the Earthquake

Note: This is part 3 of a 3-week series.  Click here to read Part 1: Overdone.                                Part 2: Closer Than You Realize. Scripture: “A hurricane wind ripped through the mountains and shattered the rocks before God, but God wasn’t to be found in the wind; after the wind an earthquake, but God wasn’t in

Closer Than You Realize

Note: This is part 2 of a 3-week series.  Click here to read Part 1: Overdone. Check back next Monday for week 3! Scripture: “Then the word of God came to him: ‘So Elijah, what are you doing here?’ ‘I’ve been working my heart out for the God-of-the-Angel-Armies,’ said Elijah. ‘The people of Israel have


Note: NEW SERIES. This is part of a 3-week series.  Check back next Monday for week 2! Scripture: “When Elijah saw how things were, he ran for dear life to Beersheba, far in the south of Judah. He left his young servant there and then went on into the desert another day’s journey. He came

Life Under Pressure

Scripture: “Fierce troubles came down on the people of those churches, pushing them to the very limit. The trial exposed their true colors: They were incredibly happy, though desperately poor. The pressure triggered something totally unexpected: an outpouring of pure and generous gifts.” 2 Corinthians 6:2-4 Perspective: If you squeeze a packet of ketchup, you