Don’t Sacrifice Your Tomorrow

Have you ever wanted something so much that you would do anything to get it? We probably have memories as a kid emptying our piggy bank to go buy the new toy we couldn’t live without. That human desire for what we want never goes away. The Israelites wanted a king. We want success, recognition, or a family. While none of those things are bad in themselves, circumventing God’s will, timing, and method by going our own direction will make all our accomplishments and striving feel empty…

Let God Work

God may not always deliver us from the battles we face, but He always equips us to walk through them. You may be facing a battle that has created anxiety and fear in your heart. Instead of worrying and letting it steal your peace, sleep, and joy, ask God to help you. God starts working in response to our prayers. Isn’t it just like God to show up in an unexpected way?

In Due Time

Elkanah had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. Hannah was not able to have children, and it became a point of family dissension. While Elkanah would try to console Hannah, Hannah’s sadness and disappointment over her lack of children overshadowed her life. On their yearly journey to the Tabernacle to worship God, Hannah snuck away to pray. Her grief over the situation overwhelmed her to the point she was mistaken to be drunk. After she had poured out her request before the Lord, the sadness that had characterized her life for so long dissipated. While it seemed that nothing had changed in the physical, God heard Hannah’s request and remembered her…

We Won’t Move Without Him

So Elimelech decided to move his family from his homeland to Moab, an enemy country. When they arrived in Moab, it went from bad to worse. The patriarch of the family died, the sons married foreign women, and then Naomi’s sons died. Elimelech tried to solve their problems by moving them only to have the challenges accumulate. He was trying to save his family from the family only to lose the very thing he tried to preserve. The weight of the family was now on Naomi who decided to return home to Judah. Changing their location did nothing to bring provision when God was not in the move…

Confirmation of His Leading

Gideon had tested God to confirm his direction first with a sacrifice that was consumed on an altar and then by throwing a fleece out before the Lord. Yet, at every turn, it seemed that Gideon needed to be reassured of God’s working. God told him to reduce his army to three hundred men who would fight Midian. What seemed like an unwelcome military strategy caused Gideon to fear. God told him to not be afraid and provided another confirmation that He was leading Gideon. Gideon went to the edge of the enemy camp and realized that God had gone before Him before He even arrived…